We are going through weird and challenging times. Life has been changing massively for everybody and so quickly!!! It is really hard to try to adapt to this new normal, but this challenge has been a blessing in disguise. I have been able to connect with nature, connect with myself and be inspired. Nevertheless it’s a difficult to focus all the inspiration and new energy at home,  this sacred place I have for enjoying my family and disconnecting from work. There have been four key-points in my routine that are keeping me active and connected:

Cozy Mornings:

No rush cup of coffe or tea. Knowing that the kids don´t have to fly quickly for school gives me the chance to have a hot drink in the mornings. Sometimes it is Chai tea or cappuccino. Or just hot water and lemon before going out for a walk.

Morning Walks

Most countries have allowed a bit of exercise outside and for me a morning walk is as energizing as it gets. As I am an early riser, I like leaving the house at 5:30 am. I Iove being present for sunrise, it´s the perfect time for bird singing natural soundtrack.

Take a shower and put on proper clothes:

I know it is very tempting to stay in pjs all day. I think in order to connect with work and creativity taking a shower and using proper clothes is a must. Staying warm is a priority, so I use chunky knitted jumpers, wraps and ponchos , comfy jeans and trainers or flats.

Separate Spaces:

Our brain will work as our house, and it separates and classifies the information within the spaces in which it is used. This is why it is so important  to plan within our house a specific place to work. I enhance it with whatever makes me feel connected.

I wish you the best within these awkward times. Let’s keep strong together while being separated.

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